Cacti with lighttpd

I had a VM with jitsi which install nginx, and now i want to test CACTI install on the VM to then do it in the read only usb boot i have at the Firewall. 

Intially i wanted to install cacti with nginx but did not wanted to struggle with the php setup, so now i have set it up with lighttpd.

Just to first:

1) not copy the VM or creating another (save time).
2) nginx seems lighter than apache so it is a good alternative for the firewall.

So... lets start.

1) Install
apt-get install snmpd

Add this to sources, you may add something different:
deb stretch main contrib non-freedeb-src stretch main deb stretch/updates main contrib non-freedeb-src stretch/updates main

apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloader

2) Configure SNMPD
Edit /etc/default/snmpd, find the following line:

#export MIBS=/usr/share/mibs/netsnmp/
Replace it with:
export MIBS=ALL

Then add or uncomment the following line to the ACCESS CONTROL area of /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf:

rocommunity public localhost # Full access from localhost

3) Restart snmp
service snmpd restart

4) Installing Cacti:
apt-get install cacti cacti-spine

5) Yes, and put a password:

